6 WWE Heroes Turned Heels You Should Know
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6 WWE Heroes Turned Heels You Should Know

Blondes and bad guys have more fun. Here are five WWE wrestlers that had the time of their lives being chaos agents

What is it about a wrestler gone bad that makes audiences so invested in the character? Is it the unexpected villain arc or the freedom that comes with being a heel? Hard to say but the about face of good to evil is entertaining television that rivals Hollywood's finest scripts. Here are six wrestlers who flipped the proverbial script.

Traitor: Hulk Hogan

Origin Story: Hogan began his wrestling career in 1977 but gained worldwide recognition in 1983 after signing to the World Wrestling Federation. The American hero — and real-life racist — defeated Iron Sheik at the first Wrestlemania in Madison Square Garden to become champion.

Judas Moment:  In 1996 Hogan created the New World Order (NWO), to turn villain and sabotage the WWE. This heel turn was held during the ‘Hostile Takeover’ match in which Hogan was accompanied by Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, his two other co-founders. This heel marked the end of his All-American character, as he embraced the dark side.

Traitor: The Rock

Origin Story: Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson has been a household name in wrestling since his debut as Rocky Maivia in 1996. 

Judas Moment: In 1997 Johnson came back from an injury, joined the Nation of Domination, and grew into his villainous character. He eventually became the leader and coined his “The Rock” persona. 

In 2025, The Rock made wrestling appearances for the first time in 8 years at WrestleMania 41. During this spectacle he again turned heel with intentions of taking Cody Rhodes’ spot. He egged on Cody's crowd calling them “Cody crybabies,” rejuvenating his wrestling persona.

Traitor: John Cena

Origin Story: Cena started his career in 1999 when he was signed to Ultimate Pro Wrestling (UPW) and in 2002 got his break. Cena has been a known babyface, lacking a villain arc during his two-decade long wrestling career. He was as American as apple pie. 

Judas Moment: This all came to a head when he attended the WWE Elimination Chamber this past Saturday, March 1st where he turned on the company’s franchise player Cody Rhodes (Rapper Travis Scott also got some licks in as he “wanted to get his hands dirty” according to The Rock.). His establishment as one of wrestling's forever good guys has taken a turn, invoking a new passion for the villain.

Traitor: Steve Austin

Origins: Austin first began his wrestling journey in 1989, wrestling for many smaller companies before joining World Champion Wrestling in 1991 and then the WWE in 1996. In the summer of his rookie year at WWE he became Stone Cold Steve after a takedown of Jake Roberts at the King of the Ring final. 

Judas Moment: During the spring of 01 Stone Cold turned heel to join forces with Mr. McMahon in a legendary fight to take back the WWF title. Austin felt as if his drive to wrestle was waning, he wanted to switch it up and find his passion and thus took to the villainous temptations.

Traitor: Christian Cage 

Origins: Cage began his professional wrestling career in 1995, eventually signing with the WWF in 1998. His two decade experience on the mat allows for him to have experimented with many different personas and competitors. In 2021, he came back from a seven year retirement debuting in the All Elite Wrestling group. 

Judas Moment: After joining, he quickly built a friendship with fellow wrestler Jungle Boy. Cage also helped to manage the Jungle Express, Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus, before famously turning heel and attacking Jungle Boy after the team lost the AEW Road Rager in 2022. This attack jump started a year-long feud between the two, leading Cage to throw in a couple verbal jabs about Jungle Boy's deceased father in between punches.