Misery Tourism Needs a Moratorium
Traveling around the world to hand out toys and sing songs about God, but support policies that keep these people famished and improvised is a contradiction
Traveling around the world to hand out toys and sing songs about God, but support policies that keep these people famished and improvised is a contradiction
And the hard questions that follow when you are
Each of these expeditions was my parents' act of retribution against a country that attempted to humiliate them
We missed the message.
Despite the overwhelming evidence of the crimes committed, we have not held the worst element of society fully accountable for their actions.
The reason? Systemic bigotry coded into our law.
Appreciating the taste of pig feet and delicious soul food delicacies
How a travel trip resulted in the perfect dating profile header
We're here to help
Although he's no longer the Big Bad of the MCU's Phase 6, Kang the Conqueror is the character I'd most want emulate
It was the only time I felt a connection to this melanin-deficient fantasy world
We do not know the equivalent of an invite to the cookout for any other group, and I find that disconcerting
Their version was middle-class and filled with ambition. After they left, crack came in and turned their utopia into a hallow shell of itself.
In hindsight, they were just bigots
Asking for a friend
My mother is dying and it's killing my father to watch his wife wither
Biden is not the problem; it is your white friends and family members who are going to vote for Trump.
What I learned about the power of white privilege after getting hitched.
This and many other important lessons my dad taught me
There are no how-to books and few examples for black men on how we are supposed to age gracefully in America, so we go at it alone.
We're trying to not have our kids hear the same thing but inflation at the house that Ronald built is making it difficult
Sunday clothes stood for elegance—garb that was worn at the most special occasions including church. Now comfort is king and I miss the days when getting dressed was an occasion.
I don't fault my parents for instilling this ideology in me and my brother. But I won't be passing it down