The Problem With Right-Wing Comedy
Rightwing comedy is comedic in a way Shakespearean comedy can be: a story catalyzed from a misunderstanding; reaction instead of reflection
Rightwing comedy is comedic in a way Shakespearean comedy can be: a story catalyzed from a misunderstanding; reaction instead of reflection
The center of gravity for news media in America has shifted
Their ‘thuggish ruggish’ doo-wop and rapid raps spoke to the turbulence of inner cities during the ’90s
Who needs a weapon when you are a weapon?
Rather than engage in discourse about whether LeBron’s influence on Bronny’s spot in the NBA is good or bad, conversations like these need to evolve past litigating any individual instance of nepotism
Historians estimate that around 1 in 4 cowboys were Black
Removing TikTok is another reason for the youth to be disengaged in the political cycle