How O.J. Simpson Affected Race in America
The way we view and discuss race will forever be different
The way we view and discuss race will forever be different
What we have now isn’t working.
Judd Blevins ran for City Council in Enid, Oklahoma. Problem is he participated in a rally gathering Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups.
The Man Behind The Star Spangled Banner also owned slaves. He was complicated to say the least.
Her name is Yuri Kochiyama and she was perhaps more radical than Malcolm.
It all started with All-Negro Comics' Lion Man.
There's a Japanese proverb that says for a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of Black blood. If that's the case, FX's monster hit 'Shogun' has a lot of scared swordsmen
History and present experiences say this isn’t true.
Why Have Black People Been Left Out?
The party didn't always have the philosophy it now has.
Why money is the root.
This is too much comfort in the work place.
His gift of gab really is his superpower, SMH.
An accurate telling of American history isn’t what they really want
Why we're in danger of losing this history and what we can do about it
The Republican Governor has ended his costly campaign for President which means he's back to focussing solely on his job as Florida's governor
How the bureau defined these informants and what they were tasked with.
In news we didn't see coming presidential candidate and former governor Nikki Haley throws out a whopper observation
It was far from easy getting MLK his much-deserved national holiday. Here is how it came together and why there's still work to be done
How they combined with Pig Laws and Convict Leasing to perpetuate slavery
Were they cast out or raised up?
Or will it create a larger Israel?
An argument over presents had deadly results.
The question of race arises, not solely because Majors is Black and his then-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari, whom he was found to have assaulted, is a blonde white girl.
For some enslaved people it was an opportunity to sing and dance. Others had to come to grips with seeing their families for the last time.
The city is accused of not properly policing the area, which has affected revenue.
Will they continue to hold a majority of the power?
What are White folks really afraid of?
While the investigation is happening, Jeff Ashton, who was a lead prosecutor on the Casey Anthony trial, is still sitting on the bench
One has been linked to former KKK Grand Wizaed David Duke. The other has been accused of turning a blind eye to sexual abuse.