My Favorite Emotional Stocking Stuffer for People on My Naughty List
Everyone deserves a holiday gift, even if it’s the gift of nothing
Everyone deserves a holiday gift, even if it’s the gift of nothing
The reason? Systemic bigotry coded into our law.
A guide on what to expect starting Inauguration Day 2025
If you've seen Citizen Kane you won't be able to unsee it
If liberals want to win the next culture war, they have to start by winning hearts
The rate of Black student acceptance was slashed by more than half
The West Coast rapper says there is a striking difference with masculinity and being an a**hole
Can't argue with science
What Gaetz has already acknowledged in a preemptive strike
Something tells me our 2025 bingo cards are gonna be full of wild s**t so use the end of Q4 to prep
Hint: the bodies are still there
The Wisconsin shooting comes less than two weeks after a gunman opened fire at a Christian school in Northern California and after years of debate over how to keep schools safe.
President-elect Trump was scheduled to give a four-hour deposition, where he would presumably try to explain that sticking his fingers in a woman’s vagina against her will is not rape.
The west coast legend wanted to show the world what a West Coast Christmas looked like
Who will be the next villain?
Something that was hilarious in the ’80s can age into offensive humor
Combatting propaganda, violence, and stupidity
Kimberly Guilfoyle is banished to Greece
The Black Arts Movement leader’s words have a lasting impact
Like the tontines in my childhood, crypto can help minorities to overcome financial and wealth discrimination
Are there loopholes the polarizing president could take advantage of?
How one of the most diverse superhero teams lack diversity in their new iteration
Understanding racism in the workplace
Truth is On Its Way is just a reminder of how evident Giovanni’s vision and genius was, from the very beginning
It's not the same as fearing white people as I had to explain to a woman online who was conflating the two things
He was my version of clowns, a symbol of jolly that scared the hell out of me
Does the comfort of my White colleagues matter more than my own? (That’s a rhetorical question!)
As a kid, I had an enthusiasm switch that prompted me to help my parent(s) with exotic tasks like replacing a screen/window I busted or fixing a cabinet door that won't stay closed. Still, mine must've been on a dimmer. It slowly turned to
A man who acts like a child is the biggest turnoff of all
While Bitcoin has spawned an industry of imitators — Ethereum, Dogecoin, Altcoin — it is the only truly decentralized cryptocurrency