The 7 Most Annoying People You'll Encounter at the Coffee Shop, Ranked
Do you take your coffee with creamer or a spoonful of STFU?
Do you take your coffee with creamer or a spoonful of STFU?
Sometimes one coworker has all these qualities… which makes them the office bully.
It's not your imagination—drivers are getting worse out there
Every sender of these deserves to get blocked
'Stop reading this and get back to work, what are we even paying you for?'
Dealing with other people is a marathon unto itself
We're having our groceries delivered from now on
Your sense of civic duty shouldn't require you to interact with these buffoons
These people are a trip
Swipe left. Swipe left!
No double taps for you!
Consider this a subtweet
What hell on earth hath Zuckerberg wrought?
Here’s who awaits you on the other side of an invite to the newest social network craze
Our two cents on the subject are worth .00000057 of a bitcoin
Exercise in futility
We're gonna stick to online shopping this year...
We’re all longing for a fresh cut — but we don’t miss these characters