There's No Cure for Americans Suffering With Trump Vindication Syndrome
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There's No Cure for Americans Suffering With Trump Vindication Syndrome

It’s the opposite of Trump derangement syndrome

If you’ve spent any time discussing politics with Trump followers, you’ve no doubt been accused of having “Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). The term is used to deflect any criticism of Donald Trump, presuming the critic is so preoccupied with condemning Trump that he/she cannot see his virtues. Any fact, quote, video, or report about Trump can be dismissed with a wave of a hand. “You have Trump Derangement Syndrome!”

There is an even more rampant (and real) disease called Trump Vindication Syndrome (TVS). TVS requires one to not only accept whatever Trump says as fact but also repeat said “fact” to others until it reaches herd immunity. An example would be the “Russia hoax,” which generally means any attempt to tie Trump to anything Russian has been proven false despite all the known ties Trump has to Russia.

TVS requires much of those who are infected. You have to wake up in the morning and search the news to see what Trump has tweeted in All-Caps in the middle of the night to determine your talking points for the day. Sometimes, it calls for you to fervently believe in something you’d opposed all your life until Trump told you what to think. Maybe you have to be in total denial of the facts, like repeating, “Everyone wanted abortion to be decided by the state.”

TVS affects memory and discernment. How else can you have come to believe that January 6th was a “Day of Love” and that the protesters were simply touring the Capitol? You may recall America being a symbol of strength as opposed to the laughingstock of the world.

It’s true that TVS is backed up by media sources willing to profit from your gullibility. I just read the New York Post's endorsement of Trump. Whoever wrote it has a severe case of TVS. Fox News is TVS Central, and forget about Truth Social.

I’m looking forward to TVS becoming part of the lexicon in the final days before the election. I want to believe there will be no need for it after the November 5th election, but a Trump loss will only spark a new wave of TVS victims spreading the word about how Trump really won the 2020 and 2024 elections.

Never argue with someone who has come down with TVS. They are incapable of accepting anything said about Trump in a negative way as fact. Even if Trump says something horrible like being a dictatorwanting Generals like Hitler had, or $60,000 is too much to bury a f***ing Mexican, they won’t believe it or will say he was only joking. An argument with a TVS victim is time you’ll never get back. It is better to spend it making sure you and yours get to the polls and vote like the lives of others depend on it because they do.